New: Chasmanthium Latifolium 'Mantis'
Chasmanthium: a cheerful bouncing grass with green flat flags. Marginpar has been supplying this product for years and it is loved by many florists. It's very versatile; fresh, dried, dyed; everything is possible with Chasmanthium.
Innovation is one of the most important pillars within Marginpar: we want to keep surprising buyers and florists with special flowers of great quality. Recently we introduced a new Chasmanthium variety: Chasmanthium Latifolium 'Mantis'.
What makes this new Chasmanthium special?
Chasmanthium Latifolium 'Mantis' has larger and greener flags, a clear structure, does not discolour and has a beautiful shine.
The name 'Mantis' is derived from the green praying mantis. Praying mantises protect themselves from predators by camouflaging, a clever technique with their green colour and leaf structure. Fun fact: the praying mantis was believed to have supernatural powers, by early civilisations, including Ancient Greece and Ancient Egypt...

Production and availability
The Chasmanthium Latifolium 'Mantis' is produced at our partner farms in Tanzania in the length 70 cm. It is currently exclusively available at Royal FloraHolland Aalsmeer.