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MPS certification

We are so proud of our Tanzanian partner farms. They recently received their MPS certificate, and all of them scored an A+! 

The MPS certification is a global standard, which shows how environmentally friendly the operations are. There are three different levels, MPS-A, MPS-B and MPS-C. 

MPS logo

A unique place

The MPS-A certificate is the most environmentally friendly. We have been working with these nurseries since 2002, which are located in unique places close to Mount Kilimanjaro. The climate of northern Tanzania is particularly good for our Clematis Amazing® varieties, the Jatropha Firecracker, Talinum, Polianthes, Miscanthus, Chasmanthium and Gloriosa.

Tanzania packhouse
Tanzania Gloriosa
Left: packhouse | Right: Gloriosa

Sustainability approach

All Marginpar owned nurseries are certified; Marginpar Ethiopia holds the MPS certificate and all our Kenyan flower farms have obtained the KFC and GLOBALG.A.P label. You can find all certificates here
