New: Scabiosa Virtuoso® Saura
A Colourful Masterpiece
At Marginpar, we adore special, beautiful flowers that allow florists to really make a difference. To make our range as wide and complete as possible, we collaborate with numerous different breeders. It's a continual quest for our Product Development team. After extensive field tests, a careful selection follows.

We're proud to share that we can add a new Scabiosa to our assortment. HilverdaFlorist and Marginpar recently signed the licensing agreement to exclusively cultivate Scabiosa Virtuosa® Saura.
This unique Scabiosa, with its striking pink and purple shades, will soon be harvested from our Kenyan fields and will be available throughout the year.

Bart Sneek – Commercial Director HilverdaFlorist
Michel Zaat – Managing Director Marginpar
This new Scabiosa variety is part of the Virtuoso® series. “Each flower is a living masterpiece, named after a famous artist.”
'Saura' is a long-lasting, fascinating flower that adds exactly the desired depth and texture you're looking for. They gradually open until they reach their full size. Its name is in honour of Antonio Saura, a Spanish painter. Fittingly, he was known for his colourful work, full of texture, and often abstract.

Marginpar and HilverdaFlorist have a long-standing relationship, with various HilverdaFlorist varieties growing on our Kenyan fields. This collaboration, originally started with the Limonium Diamond series, is now further strengthened with the addition of Scabiosa Virtuosa® Saura. We look forward to the continuation of this fruitful collaboration.